Regular Expression -- Clicking on it opens up the Regular Expression dialog box, where you can search for a particular pattern. For more information Click here.
PHP Class Wizard -- Clicking on it opens up the Class Wizard dialog box, where you can define PHP classes, member variable and member functions within it. For more information Click here.
PHPDoc comment -- Allows you to insert comments to your currently open PHP script.
Interactive PHPDoc comment -- Allows you to insert interactive comments to your currently open PHP script. This interactive comments helps the developer understand the code written by him or any others.
Find matching brace -- Allows you to find a matching brace withing a block the cursor is residing in.
PHP Block -- This menu item helps inserting the one of the three delimiters in the currently open PHP script:
Line Feeds(EOLs) -- Sets the line ending characters to the selected combination, for DOS/Windows it will use the \r\n (CR-LF) when the file is saved, \n for Unix(LF) and \r for MacOS(CR). This will force the EOL characters no matter what OS you are currently operating on.
Tabs to Spaces -- Will convert all [TAB] characters in the current script to the number of spaces represented by a tabstop (see Editor settings for information on setting this value.)
Spaces to Tabs -- Will convert all groups of spaces matching the tabstop (by default 4) into [TAB]
Make selection upper case -- Clicking on it or pressing Alt+U converts the currently selected text to uppercase (A-Z).
Make selection lower case -- Clicking on it or pressing Alt+L converts the currently selected text to lowercase (a-z).
Escape selection -- Clicking on it or pressing Alt+Shift+E inserts '\' (backslash) in front of quotes inside a string.
Insert escaped string... -- Allows you to enter astring in a dialog box, which gets appended to your script at the current cursor position.
Options -- Shows the preferences dialog.
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